

My practice specializes in treating individuals and groups, and I offer comprehensive services dealing with:

I offer a variety of different counseling services. Look through the choices below and please contact me if you have further questions, or would like to schedule an appointment. Also, please check out my Important Information page for additional information on services.

Individual Counseling

  • One-on-one individual sessions
  • Adults ages 18 and up
  • 50 minutes biweekly

EMDR and Trauma Counseling

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy
  • Leading treatment choice for trauma, anxiety, depression, and related concerns
  • Please check out the EMDR Therapy International Association (EMDRIA) for more information on this healing modality.
  • Sessions are typically 50 minutes to 80 minutes.
  • EMDR intensives are half-day, full-day, or multiple days depending on needs.

Somatic Experiencing®

  • A body-oriented approach to the healing of trauma and other stress disorders through the release of traumatic shock.
  • Please check out Somatic Experiencing International to learn more about this approach:


NET Therapy

  • Neuro Emotional Technique
  • Helps process and release stress-related issues — both in mind and body.
  • A manual muscle test as a tool to help identify involuntary physiological responses, and pressure points are used to release areas of stress.
  • Please check out Net Mind Body to learn more: NET Mind Body

Career Counseling

  • One-on-one individual sessions
  • Topics: creating resume/cover letter, job search strategies, interviewing practice/tips, transitioning to a new career field, loss of a job, a transition from high school to college or from college and beyond, and much more
  • 50-minute sessions biweekly